
Last one
No more will I write
No more will I pour
My heart as I have done

I opened up in many forms
Let my soul wrapped in flame
Stake a claim
But I stood all alone
When love stood before me

I have seen too much to deny
Felt too little from others
To hate this world so much
Believing in a mystery

I could say you won the battle
But what will you lose
When I am gone?

… I never wanted to say I told you so

Come to Me

I have been told
By many and few
To not dwell on the past
It appears we have no past
And therefore no future
But there is one thing about me
You should know
I love absolutely everyone
And bear their pain or disease
If they passed me by
Turning me into
A hypochondriac
According to science
However, I do not complain
But offer it up to God
He then takes it away from them
If that is what he wants
For it is written
He shall bear their suffering

Your heart is so far away

Remember That

He said pray that it not be winter
On that day for you
O that day of wrath
So then He took Winter for Himself
Upon Himself be bore
For me and you
How did he do?
So far, alive
And heartbeats are like a Harley
Listening to that song that boomed
Made me remember
Remember, that Jesus is King
No matter what happens
No matter what

Power To Give

I had hoped
Hoped that by now
Those who truly love
Would step up
But they did not

I had hoped
Hoped that by now
Those who love to love
Would do so
Without question
But they also did not

This includes myself!
As it is your faith and love
Reflecting through me
As I am merely nothing
I Am Who I Am
But you
You are also nothing
Did nothing
And hid

So from one breath
I can blow you away
Like a hurricane
As it is in my power to give
Though I prefer the Love path
Either way I can lead you there
Your choice…

What Makes Me Ill

What makes me ill
Is not your diseases or viruses
But your lack of compassion
That the least are driven asunder
By your inflated sense of righteousness

I Am is among the least
Bearing the worst of it all
That is what makes me ill
Know that when I am ill
Angels come to my aid

I Love My Own Art

How could I not love
My own art?
If it be of my love
If it be of my hate
It is my art all the same
So let me be the worst of all
That is how I appear to them
But I can bear anything
Including death
Including hate
Including pain
Yet live
Because of Love

Love loves you
I learned
To let Love love me deep
So I do yearn for more

Only Love I give
Nothing in return is bestowed
That makes me the least
As I am still and can weep
But do not gnash my teeth