
I am merely words to you
No face to show you what is true
That my eyes burn bright
With God’s strongest light

That things will happen in due time
In due course it will be sublime
The Lord revealed in a miraculous way
In truth I have so much to say

I still remember being a spectacle of pain
Can never forget what forged the rain
I spoke with love like a fire that blooms
It burns yes but also consumes


What you gave to me was a scorpion
When all I asked was for bread
Your venom sunk deep and tore me apart
I died with no words to say goodbye
Oh the anger is not mine for I already forgave you
It is God Himself you must contend with
Something you will surely fail at circumventing
I take no pleasure in seeing your demise
Just remember that if I die I will again rise


Let that which is love be true
I am down in the dirt after a fight
I lose every time because I want you to win
My submission is a great adversary
To that which is evil in this world
So expect that people have said
Lies about me despite the truth
I turn to you with hope for your love
All I need is love I have certainly tried
So here I am as you want me
Standing tall in the name of the Lord
Turning my other cheek


I always wondered can you hear a whisper?
Will you hear a whisper?
A whisper in my thoughts He is
Until I foster it like a child it is

How far away do I have to be?
For you to finally see
A glimmer in that sliver of the great moonlight
That shines in the darkness never taking flight

Greatness comes like melodies amidst despair
Melodies surround and touch the heart with flair
Loving thy neighbour is easy
Loving thy self is piety

Being so in a world mangled, twisted, and spiteful
Is like being a beacon of light so full
That anyone who merely looks at you
Knows you are such and will hate and revile you

But worry not, where there is love there is God
He gives glory through your heart, mind, and bod
I still trudge on through the mud as I am through
And also most certainly I do love you too

Those that would misunderstand my love
Only makes me love them even more by the Dove
But I must let them go and save them if I could
Hoping that the love I planted grew like it should

Streaming Sadness

Sadness streams heavily from my face
Nobody cares about me in any trace
My anger is such that I have been sent
To deliver the bad news but my clothes I rent

By rent I mean torn apart
Been like this from the start
So instead of wrath to be withstood
It is love to be understood

Do you not see everything hangs in the balance?
Coming from the Heart pierced by the lance
Fill your heart from an inexhaustible source
Things will get better and not worse

All my life, blessings He will give no matter what
I found love and He freed me from the rut
So I have been standing still with the world in my hand
All the while discovering the flowers in the sand

Such flowers would have the Father say, Stop!
And resound His Word in the thunder that I drop
From His Sons of Thunder a word if I might
That for Love you must fight

Been saying for years that I became Love
In His Name I was freed by the Dove
So would you fight for me, I ask in dismay?
To Him with love there is really only one way


I experienced something extraordinary
Imbued with a beautiful vision of Glory
Revealed as part of a hidden story
With a message to love your enemy

Not because of what they do, see
But rather because they are loved by me
So many have fallen yet so many have arrived
At the conclusion to what was contrived

Here I am standing all alone and accused
While a deceitful tongue has truly composed
An all manner of accusations against
It was not myself but the Father that was incensed

So hold your tongue and stop the lies
And perhaps you will notice the prize
That is given to anyone who loves in return
And to those who hate this will forever burn

So many warnings have come to pass
Hard not to notice just how much crass
Has to exist to ignore the signs all around
That the Lord is here and nobody makes a sound

As I pursue the sinners in their decrepit state
It is my love for them that makes them irate
So I disrupt the status quo
And move to where the Holy Spirit may blow

Entangled Litmus

In the same way that an entangled photon can exist simultaneously as two different particles, yet the same, bound by some power at the quantum level, God exists as the trinity. The third person is the Holy Spirit, the Great Binder all things. For without the Holy Spirit, there can be no universe.

What we are, or rather should be, are copies of Jesus Christ when the imitation of Christ is in play. Meaning, if we imitate Christ, we become Christ, like unto Him so that when the Father is face to face with us He will recognize His Son.

It is, in a way, the Ultimate Test, the Final Test, a litmus test so to speak, of whether or not Christ is truly One with you. If He is not, then you are already where you belong.

May words are plain and simple
My puzzles are puzzling
Because you are puzzled
An inkling muffled