
I have figured it out
Who I am
As what I have done and not done
What I have become
Absolute nothingness
To almost everyone
If you can believe
The worst of the lot
Compared to Jesus the King
But to Him
Christ my Lord
I am not nothing
In every equality
And it is truly as it is
Whatever happens to me
Hence why I have been spared
So many times I lost count

Reminded in the first
Born in the second
Resurrected in the third
I am third

The Lot Who Did Not

I am bone of his bone
I am flesh of his flesh
No taking back this one
Not like a marble in water
But United and One
Do to me whatever you want
I personally do not really care
I am only here to bear witness
And what I witnessed
Only leaves me with shame
To bear your guilt
To have to say
This lot helped me
And this lot did not
What do you think happens
To the lot who did not?